Our podiatry treatments include –
- Settling heel pain
- Removal of uncomfortable corns and callouses
- Restoration of dry / cracked heels
- Treatment of ingrown toenails
- Treatment of fungal nail infections
Biomechanical Assessment
Experiencing aching, tender feet on a regular basis may not seem like a large issue, but can impact your life in a meaningful way. After all, you can’t avoid using your feet as they support your body wherever you walk.
During the initial consultation, Jessica will assess the range of motion in all joints of the feet. A Postural Assessment will also be carried out, looking at the alignment of your body-leg length difference and basic foot and ankle stance position, to name a few.

Treatments are available for :
Heel pain, Plantar Fasciitis, Heel Spur | Rolling ankles | Ball of the foot pain, Metatarsalgia, Mortons Neuroma | Bunions | Bursitis | Sports related injuries
Cosmetic Toe Nail Reconstruction
Many men and women suffer from unsightly toe nails and are embarassed by their feet. In order to hide them from their friends and family they often wear a full shoe, socks or paint over the damage to disguise it, often making it worse in the process.
These types of nails may be fungal, misshapen or permanently damaged. Perhaps you have damaged your nails playing sport and still want to play but wearing shoes is uncomfortable without a nail to protect your toe. It may be that have had nail surgery some years ago and are left with little bits of nail where the nail plate should be.
Now we can rebuild it for you. We are able to create a bespoke, cosmetically reconstructed nail, which will look so natural, only you will know it’s not real. A choice of natural shades is available to make your new nail look as natural as possible or it can be finished with a colour of your choice and your other toes painted to match.
LCN Wile-Pedique is a unique light-cured gel which contains Piroctone Olamine and provides an instant cosmetic solution. If you’re undergoing an anti-fungal treatment, which may take several months, you will have to have the nail removed and replaced several times over the course of the treatment, but you will always look your best. Nails that are permanently damaged can wear LCN Wilde-Pedique all year round with regular maintenance.
Treatment Prices
Initial Consultation & Podiatry Treatment | £40 | |
Subsequent Visit | £35 | |
Biomechanical Assessment | £50 | |
Subsequent Visit | £40 | |
Cosmetic toe nail reconstruction | from £50 |